The photos in this archive come from more than thirty years of collecting old MORGAN HORSE magazines, correspondence, on-line discussion groups, and research
for various articles. I have also attempted to include links to websites showing modern day colorful descendants of these horses. If you have better photos of the horses
shown here or more information about them, have photos or suggestions of other horses you'd like to see included, or would like a link
or photo credit added in the caption of a certain historical photo, please email Laura Behning. I share these pictures here only for
educational purposes and if there are any copyright issues, please let me know and I will remove the photo(s) concerned.
I have not included pictures of flaxen Morgans here because so many are already pictured in either
the Historical Morgan Picture Archive or
on AllBreed Pedigree. I also have not included silver dapple Morgans, as they are thoroughly covered on the
Silver Dapple Morgans Project

Aeolus Walker
(Merry Ethan X Taffy Ann Walker) 1971 palomino stallion, sire of 19 foals. Sire of the palomino stallion Glori Del Sir John, who was in turn sire of Pal-A-Mor's Gold Nugget (sire of the cremello mare Kee Lady Aphrodite), Pal-A-Mor's Gold (sire of Homestead Morgans' perlino stallion, Hmstd Rum Runner), and Pal-A-Mor's Golden Sun (sire of many colorfuls with the Baptiste prefix), amongst others.
Aeolus Walker was the product of Stanley and Ruth Walker's breeding program.

Allen's Oglala Gold
(Haven's Blazer x Betsy Swanton), 1969 palomino stallion, the foundation of the Nashboro breeding program of Janine Robinson in TN. Among his colorful offspring
was the palomino stallion All Things Considerd and palomino broodmares Nashboro Desiree, Nashboro Shasta (dam of cremello stallion Nashboro Sir Galahad) and Nashboro Tifiny Gold. Photo
courtesy of Janice Robinson.

Andrew's Misty Dream
(Delmaytion Sundance X H-Mayo Woman, by Chingadero), 1977 palomino mare. She
produced just three foals, but one of them was the very prolific cremello stallion Amberfield's Desperado, whose offspring
have spread far and wide, including Great Britain, Belgium, and Canada as well as all over the U.S. Photo courtesy of Carol Williams.

Aquila's Queen Bee
(Paramount's Nominee X Foxy's Cotton Queen), 1983 palomino mare owned by Tanya Walter. Dam of 7 foals including the buckskin mare Aquila's Miss Bee Haven, dam of Ancan True Colors.
Photos courtesy of Anne Wyland.

Betsy Swanton
(Sioux Gold X Sweet Adaline),
1953 palomino mare. Dam of 12; pictured with her 1970 palomino colt Linsley La
Mont. Her 1969 palomino son Allen's Oglala Gold founded the Nashboro prefixed Morgans. Her palomino
daughter Sandy Swanton (f. 1958) was the dam of the buckskin (misregistered as bay) Reddy Teddy (sire of the buckskin mare Kickapoo Joy, dam of
the late palomino stallion Kickapoo
HDC Chief) and the palomino mare Nancy Pine Swanton (dam of the well-known broodmares Honey Spice, palomino; Coal Creek Samantha and Coal Creek Tabatha, buckskins).

Betty Gold
(Morgan Gold X Luellen), 1947 palomino mare, pictured here as a yearling. Dam of 4 offspring with only one,
the palomino mare Golden Peggy (by the palomino stallion Yellow Gold) having bred on. Golden Peggy produced 11,
including the palomino mares Peggy Walker (dam of the palomino mare Misty
Merry Walker who was the dam of the palomino broodmare Sokota Mindy and others) and Taffey Ann Walker (dam of the palomino stallions,
Aeolus Walker and Sam Walker as well as the palomino mare Nicole Walker), to carry her color line on for her.

Black Cat
(Chingadero X Zula Queen), 1970 smoky black stallion, pictured on the left as a 3 year old and on the right as a mature stallion.
Sire of just 7 offspring before an untimely death. Daughters Springtown Narcissus (smoky black) and Springtown Buttercup (buckskin) have in turn produced colorful
offspring that may carry this line on.

Black Dimples
(Chingadero X Painted Girl), 1963 smoky black mare. The main color line from this mare is through her buckskin daughter Ethan's Faunie; Faunie in turn was the dam of the buckskin mare Junie Moone, dam of the young perlino stallion PHPM Lord's Gift of Gold.
The colt with Dimples in the second photo is Top Brass, who was registered as a
chestnut but who was actually palomino. This was a not-uncommon occurrence in
single cream dilute Morgans foaled before the late 1980's. Photos courtesy of
Marilyn Wright.

Black Panther
(Chingadero X Zula Queen),
1971 smoky black stallion (pictured at age 2 in full body photo). Sire of 39 offspring including the buckskin broodmare
Amberfield's Pantera (dam of the perlino stallion
Finally's Mr. Andy Frack) and the palomino stallion Saint Peter, amongst other colorfuls.

Blacksaddle Gold
(Lin Kim Dancin x Beckridge Becky Lou), 1984 palomino stallion. Sired 8, only one of which bred on, the well known buckskin
stallion Blacksaddle Starbuck. Photo courtesy of Laura Stillwell.

Blacksaddle Sunstar
(Lin Kim Dancin x Black Brocade), 1986 palomino stallion. Sire of 12 including the palomino broodmare Blacksaddle Gold Lace and palomino stallion Golden Acres Gold Digger (sire of
Golden Acres Precious Lady and Myrrhwood Marcello, among others.

(Tio Lalo X Sissey), 1967 palomino stallion. Sire of 54 offspring, including
the well-known broodmares Tia Marietta (dam of the buckskin stallions Windlord Ethan Allen, in turn sire of Shagwood Double Eagle
and Shagwood Shininghero, and Gold Cross Sun Catcher), Whippoorwill Salus,
and Kennebec Opal, as well as the palomino stallions World's Edge Goldhawk (well known reining horse and sire) and
World's Edge Goldoak.
To learn more about Californio's contribution to the breed,
read this article, which includes many interesting photos as well.

Carmel Snow
(Night Tide X Kaycee), 1939 palomino mare, pictured as a young mare. Bred by the LU Sheep Company, Carmel Snow eventually was purchased by Joe Young while he was stationed in CA in the 1940's. After the war he brought
Carmel Snow and a handful of other Morgans, including the chestnut stallion Jolly Roger,
back to his Pineland Morgans in LaGrange GA. Although Carmel Snow has many non-colorful descendants today, the sole surviving color line
appears to be through the mare Palisade Gypsy Rose, whose maternal line
traces back through two generations of cream dilutes misregistered as bay and brown to the palomino stallion,
Pineland Candy King, a grandson of Carmel Snow. She is the dam of 5 foals- 3
buckskins, one bay and the cremello stallion, SFG Flying Change. Photo courtesy of Renee Page. For more information about the
Pineland Morgans, read this article.

Cascade Cadence
(Stetson X Gwen), 1971 palomino mare, shown with her buckskin 1992 daughter Scandia's Caitlyn (by Townshend Norseman).
Dam of 9 offspring including the buckskin stallion The Bronze Promise (by UVM Promise). Photo courtesy of Kathleen De Fazio.

(Flying Jubilee x Quita), 1953 palomino mare. Dam of the palomino mare Gwen (whose daughter Cascade
Cadence is pictured above), grand-dam of the buckskin stallion The Bronze Promise.

(Ketchum X Haager) 1953 smoky cream stallion. Sire of
an incredible 137 registered Morgans, this stallion is probably the single most prolific ancestor of colorfuls in modern day pedigrees. 92 of his offspring were smoky blacks. His most notable offspring included the broodmares Medolane Florie (dam of Blu Star Juliet, dam of the late palomino stallion Sir's Sunny), Black Dimples, La Beau,
Tia (dam of Q Tawny- dam of Taha Tina, who figures in horses from the Goldtree Morgans breeding program, the palomino frame overo mare Sky Walker AB, and also grand-dam of the chestnut carrying silver dapple mare, Amanda's Suzie Q, although Q Tawny is not the source of her silver dapple gene), H-Mayo Woman (dam of colorfuls with the Andrews prefix), and H-Roni; and the stallions Black Panther, H-Dewey and H-Saracen.
Many of his offspring are pictured on this site. For more information about Chingadero, read
this article by Laura Behning.

(Warhawk X Smokie), 1956 brown buckskin mare. Dam of 11 offspring. The two that come down to us in colorful Morgan pedigrees today are the 1961 buckskin mare Wildwood Cindy
(dam of the buckskin mare Vega Mistala, who was the dam of the buckskin stallion WKF Rumplestiltskin; also dam of the buckskin stallion RTF Blacksaddle)
and the buckskin mare Westwood Lady of Cin (dam of the palomino mare Lady's Pizzazz, dam of the palomino stallion BCM Impressive Lee).
In the picture to the far right above, the foal with Cinna is Wildwood Cindy.

Coal Creek Bitohoney
(Ebony Baron X Honey Spice), 1978 smoky black mare. Dam of 9 foals including the 1986 palomino mare Coal
Creek Honeypatch (dam of palomino mares Mythic Feronia and Severn Hill Good as Gold). Photos courtesy of Polly Smith.

Cotton Candy
(Townshend Gaymeade X Arvada), 1956 palomino (registered as chestnut) mare. Dam of 11 offspring including the palomino mare Foxy's Cotton Queen, (also misregistered as chestnut). Foxy's Cotton Queen is the dam of the palomino stallion Aquila's Top Command
and the palomino mares Aquila's Queen Bee (dam of Aquila's Miss Bee Haven, buckskin broodmare
for Ancan Morgans) and Aquila's Grand Prize (dam of Aquila's Sure Prize,
buckskin broodmare for Skyland Manor Morgans).
To learn more about
Cotton Candy and her descendants, read
this article by Laura Behning which was printed in the February-March 2010 issue of THE MORGAN HORSE magazine.

Cotton Hill Daisy
(Amigo Mick X Daisette) 1949 palomino mare,
registered as chestnut. For years, the source of the cream gene behind the famous buckskin stallion Sunup Neptune was a mystery. His dam, Goldie
Zephyr, was known to be buckskin, but beyond that point no one was sure where the color was coming from. Research by colorful Morgan enthusiast,
breeder and author Suzanne Edmonds turned up a series of seemingly colorful horses coming from Goldie Zephyr's paternal granddam, Cotton Hill Daisy,
whose photos belied their "registered as" colors. A photo was also discovered of Cotton Hill Daisy as a foal, in which she looked nearly white- not unusual for
some palomino foals. It is suspected that Daisy got her cream gene from her paternal granddam, the black mare Madonna, who may have been a smoky
black. In the color photo above, Cotton Hill Daisy is shown with her 1971 foal, the buckskin mare Daisy Jo. Cotton Hill Daisy had ten foals, of which
four are known to be cream dilutes, either by photographic evidence or by their progeny.

Daisy Jo (Funquest Ben Brown X Cotton Hill Daisy) 1971 buckskin mare, dam of 7 including the smoky black mare Inglemist Airadaisy, dam of the 1995 palomino
stallion BR AC Texas Gold King (dam of palomino mare BR AC Texas Blonde) and the 1999 buckskin mare BR AC Double Trouble, both of whom have offspring today.

(Night Tide X Ishawooa), 1939 palomino mare. Dam of 9 offspring, the most color-prolific of which was the palomino stallion Midnite Sun (dam of Palomesa, dam of Tio Lalo, sire of Californio, making Dawnglo the "color line" behind Californio) and the palomino mare Williwaw (whose colorful descendants include Colony Desert Rose and Natori S Blondel).

Desert Sands
(Merry Warlock X Lady Sungold),
1965 palomino stallion. Sire of 24 offspring, including the palomino stallion Golden Sonfield (sire of Golden Sondanz)
and palomino mare Shatona's Empress, dam of several colorfuls
including the cremello stallion (now gelded) SFG Infinity and
Beyond. For an article about Desert Sands written by Laura Behning, as well as more pictures of him, go

Dickie's Pride
(Flying Jubilee X Dawn Mist), 1952 palomino stallion. Noted broodmare sire including Shepherd's Dixie Fry (founder of a line of cream dilutes in Canada from her palomino daughter, Three Forks Firefly), Lady Sungold (dam of the palomino stallion Desert Sands), and
Honey Gold (dam of the palomino stallion Higuera Sondarling).

Emerald's Aristocrat (Our Emerald King x Rhythm Lovely Lady), 1957 bay
splash stallion, the sire of the splash mare Royal-Glo, behind the Marvelous prefixed splashes. Interestingly, three
of the four known splash
Morgan families trace their color back to closely related old Midwest lines. Photo courtesy of Ellie Mason.

Ethan's Faunie
(Merry Ethan X Black Dimples), 1966 buckskin mare. Dam of 7 including the buckskin mare Junie Moone, dam of the perlino stallion PHPM Lord's Gift of Gold.
Junie Moone is the buckskin foal pictured here with Ethan's Faunie. Photo courtesy of Maia Sornson.

Foxy's Cotton Queen
(Foxfire X Cotton Candy), 1969 palomino mare. Registered as chestnut, Cotton Queen is the cream source behind the Aquila's prefixed colorfuls, including Aquila's Queen Bee, Aquila's Miss Bee
Haven (dam of the palomino stallion Ancan True Colors), and Aquila's Top Command.

Fred's Pastel Jean
(Nugget Pastel X Bobette's Fancy), 1978 palomino mare, dam of 5 including the buckskin stallion Strut'N Franklin Mint.

Frosty Princess
(King Mick X Silver Princess),
1952 gray mare owned by Herbert Barney of TX. Dam of 4 including the gray mare Frosty's Blue
Bonnet, dam of the gray mare Saycrest Frosty Miss. This is the more rare line of
the two gray lines in the Morgan breed, represented at present only by the gray mare, Silvershoe Sun Frost, and her offspring.

Gizea Gold
(Hylee's Heir X Gwenie), 1964 palomino mare. Dam of 5 including the palomino stallion
Jan Mabie Pace, who is behind many gaited colorful Morgans from the Mary-Mels breeding program.
Photo courtesy of Joanne Curtis.

Golden Crescent
(Gold King X Becky Flash), a 1971 palomino (registered as chestnut) gelding and Sadie Ethete (Gold King X Norma Dee), a
1973 palomino mare, being driven by Dr. Guy Pfeiffer at a MVMHC clinic in Mattoon, Illinois in 1983. Golden Crescent sired 6 offspring
before being gelded; his palomino daughter, Golden Judy, brings his colorful line down to us today through the palomino stallion Mac's
Littlebritches, who can be seen on our palomino page. Sadie Ethete had just
one foal, the palomino mare Ethan's Golden Ethete,
who is the dam of the palomino stallion Sky's Ethete Pride. Photo courtesy of Marsha Valance.

Golden Sonfield
(Desert Sands x Shawalla Stormy), 1985 palomino stallion owned by Jeannine Smith. Sire of the palomino stallion Golden Sondanz (sire of the
palomino stallion Mocomo Gold N Diamond, cremello stallion Mocomo Gold N Moonbeam, and others) and palomino broodmare Golden Wintermist. Photo by Suzanne Edmonds.

Goldie Zephyr (Tweedle De X Mackinac Star), 1967 buckskin mare.
Dam of the well-known buckskin stallion Sunup Neptune. Photos courtesy of Elizabeth Banks.

(Sanborn X Champagne), 1958 palomino mare. Dam of 7 including the palomino mare
Cascade Cadence (dam of the buckskin stallion The Bronze Promise).

(Chingadero X Muchacha), 1970 smoky black stallion, sire of 15 foals including the smoky black mare Chatham Charcoal, dam of Mtn
Man's Majestic Storm (palomino stallion).

H-Roni (Chingadero X Painted Girl), 1966 buckskin mare (full sister to
Black Dimples). H-Roni is the dam of two
offspring, Robbi Sue's Fairlite (palomino, dam of Robbi Sue's Sundance, palomino stallion) and Mochom's Joy
(palomino mare who has had several colorful foals herself).

(Chingadero X Teal Eye), 1974 smoky black stallion, sire of 33 Morgans. Nicknamed "Scary" because he was so NOT scary, but a sweet and
gentle stallion. Some of his colorful offspring include the smoky black stallion S Bar B Pierre Noire, the palomino mare
Tru West Pure D'Lila, the buckskin stallion Tru West Gold Peso, and the silver dapple gelding
S Bar B Blksaddle Chester (who sired two foals before he was gelded, one of which was the
silver dapple stallion Zeulner's Sunka Wakan), whose silver dapple coloring comes from his silver dapple dam, Foxton Fawn.

Haager (Warhawk x Yellow Girl) 1950 buckskin (registered as dun) mare, best known as the dam of the smoky cream stallion Chingadero
(shown here as a foal). Also produced the buckskin mare Misma, whose line
continues through colorfuls with the Springtown prefix, including Springtown
Champagne, the sire of Amberfields Desperado.

Honey Spice (Kahlua x Nancy Pine Swanton) 1975 palomino mare. Owned by Barbara Putnam, pictured with her in the first photo. Dam of 13 foals, all but one with the Caduceus or Coal Creek prefixes.
Her buckskin daughter Coal Creek Spicyglow is the dam of Statesmans Signature
(bay) and Statemans Skyhawk (buckskin).

Hy Crest Satina
(Hy Crest Koko X Lady Satin), 1969
gray mare owned by Carol Guay of Dryden, Michigan. This mare is the color source of the majority of today's gray
Morgans. Pictured in 1993 when she was 24. Photo courtesy of Roxanne Riggs. To
read more about Satina, check out this article about her written by Laura

Island Sun King
(Sun Dust X Mon Heir Sundae),
1971 palomino stallion. This is a rare color line. This stallion had just 14 offspring, all Canadian registered by their breeder, Howard Fowler.
Two cremello mares by this stallion that have produced colorfuls in recent years
are Island Miss Chief and Island Morgana, with four crosses to Island Sun King. Photo courtesy of Mary Freeman.
Jan Mabie Pace (Teton Dan Patch X Gizea Gold), 1974 palomino stallion. Founder of a line of colorful gaited Morgans,
many with the "Mary Mels" prefix or with "Pace" in their names. First photo courtesy of Linnea Sidi,
second courtesy of Laura Stillwell via Barb Fogel.

Joley Blond
(Morspeed X June Fib), 1970 palomino mare.
Dam of 16 Morgans including the palomino stallion Rocking M Morgan Gold and the palomino mares
Rocking M Blondie, Rocking M Cassandra, and Rocking M Jolene. Another picture of Joley Blond,
in pasture, can be seen under Tia Margarita's listing in this archive.

June Fib
(Silverton Morgan X Fibbie), 1958 palomino mare. Dam of 7. Her most notable color producing offspring was the palomino mare
Joley Blond (behind Rocking M prefixed colorfuls). Shown here in 1966 with Sharlene Anderson of R-Two Morgans.


Kickapoo HDC Chief
(Captain Blue Blazer X Kickapoo Joy), 1973 palomino stallion. Sire of the palomino stallion Pampas de Oro, the smoky black
broodmare Coachman's Simplistik, the palomino broodmare
Coachman's Wintr-Maize, and other colorfuls with the Coachman's prefix.

La Beau
(Chingadero X Lolly), 1963 smoky
black mare, shown on the left with her 1966 filly Whippoorwill Curlew. Dam of 7, with the most notable in colorful pedigrees being
the palomino mare Peterson's Flamingo, dam of Shagwood Doubleagle (buckskin stallion), Gold Cross Andi (palomino gelding
who had a few foals who have bred on before being gelded) and one of the few cremello geldings in the breed, Ocomo Blue Moondrift.

Lady Sungold
(Dickie's Pride X Linn's Lu), 1960 palomino mare. Dam of 8 foals, including the palomino Rose Bowl parade and show stallion Desert Sands.

(Warhawk X Smokie), 1954 buckskin mare, ridden here by Mary Lasater. Dam of 11 including
Yellowstone Peggy, registered as chestnut, but who produced several cream
dilutes from non dilute sires, including the buckskin Caballo's Trinket by the
chestnut stallion Devan Tip, indicating she must have been smoky black (or
perhaps a very dark buckskin) rather than chestnut. Peggy was also the dam of the palomino (registered as chestnut) stallion Caballo's Gold Eagle.

(Silverton Morgan X Iyoksika), 1958 palomino mare. Dam of 14 including Tartoo (palomino misregistered as chestnut; dam of the cremello Amberfield's Vanilla Ice and other colorfuls), Triple S Cissie, and Triple S Goldusty. Triple S Golddusty is in turn the dam of Triple S Soap Suds, Triple S Red Cedar (chestnut stallion), Triple S Gold Buck (buckskin stallion behind Badlands prefixed colorfuls), Triple S Gold Eagle (palomino stallion, sire of Triple S Nugget, Triple S Bald Eagle, Triple S Golden Bows, Triple S Nita and
other colorfuls). Lucie is the main source of gold in the Triple S breeding program.

(Night Tide X Ethete), 1939 smoky black mare. Dam of the 1943 palomino stallion Morgan Gold, 1947 palomino mare Betty Gold
(dam of many horses with the Walker suffix), 1954 smoky black mare Black Luellen
(dam of the 1957 mare Nugget Hanneman, registered bay but actually buckskin, and the 1966 palomino mare Nugget Ann, dam of Speedramp Walker), and the 1955 palomino mare Miss Luellen
(dam of the palomino stallion Rusty Walker). This mare has had an immense influence on our modern cream dilutes. Photo courtesy of Renee Page.

Marvelous Gem (Moro Hills Medallion x Royal-Glo), 1966 chestnut splash stallion, shown here with owner/breeder Eleanore Mason up.
Gem is behind the Marvelous line of splashes which include Shahaylee and her sire Marvelous Intrigue. Photo courtesy of Ellie Mason.

Marvelous Legacy (Marvelous Gem x Marvelous Reflection), 1982 chestnut splash mare. Dam of Marvelous Intrigue, who has founded a family of splash Morgans, including the homozygous splash mare Shahaylee.
Photo courtesy of Ellie Mason.

Midnite Sun
(Sun Down Morgan X Dawnglo), 1943 palomino stallion. Sire of 19 Morgans; the one most often recognized in colorful pedigrees is the palomino mare
Palomesa, dam of Tio Lalo, who is the sire of Californio.

Mountain Silver Sheik
(Mountain Sheik X Toy), 1938 gray stallion. Sired 7 offspring, 4 of which were gray. Mountain Silver Sheik's only gray line to come down to us today is through his gray daughter Silver Princess, matriarch of the Saycrest Frosty Miss line represented today by the gray mare, Silvershoe Sun Frost.

Morgan Gold
(Red Correll X Luellen), 1943 palomino stallion, bred by the Oglala Community High School on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in southwestern South Dakota. Sire of 28 Morgans, most notably the palomino stallion Yellow Cat (behind colorfuls with the "Happy Day" prefix, as well as Twine Pines Sara, dam of MEMC Tequila Cuervo); palomino mare Little Lulu (dam of Swanee, sire of Nugget Hanneman); palomino mare Betty Gold (dam of Golden Peggy, dam of Aeolus Walker and other Walker-bred horses); palomino stallion Sioux Gold (sire of Betsy Swanton, who is behind the Nashboro prefixed horses through her son Allen's Oglala Gold); palomino stallion Yellow Gold (behind the Oak Acres prefixed colorfuls); and the palomino stallion Silverton Morgan (sire of Lucie, behind the Triple S
prefixed colorfuls, and June Fib, dam of Joley Blond). The influence of this horse is more widespread in the current
colorful Morgan population than most any other colorful stallion of his era. To
learn more about Morgan Gold, read this article about him by Laura Behning.

Pendleton Buck Missy
(King Richard X Cute), 1964 smoky grulla (dun plus cream on a black base) mare. It is a bit of
a mystery where Missy's dun gene, the only proven source of dun in the breed at this time, came from.
Her dam, Cute, appears to be a smoky black in the pictures we have seen of her, and her breeding (by Ketchum,
a smoky black who was also the sire of Chingadero, and out of Smokie Brown, who may also have been some sort of
cream dilute, given her breeding) supports this. Missy's sire is given as the chestnut stallion King Richard.
For a complete discussion of "The Cute Conundrum", go here.
Missy had 10 offspring but only two have bred on to the present: the red dun mare Robbi Sue's Dun Ella and the dunskin mare
Robbi Sue's Misalert. Photos courtesy of Jerry Hess.

Pineland Carmel Sundae
(Jolly Roger X Carmel Snow), 1953 palomino mare, Martha Von Redlich, up. Carmel Sundae was one of the results of crossing two of Joe Young's original
Morgans from stock he acquired in California after WW II. This mare's color line appears to have died out, but she does have colorful descendants- they just got their color from other lines in their pedigrees! Dam of
9 including Pineland Mary N (dam of Chaprella, who produced the buckskin full sisters Saint Bernadette and Amberfield's Pantera).
For more information about the
Pineland Morgans, read this article by Laura Behning.

Primavera Valdez
(Primavera Vaquero X Tia Margarita),
1979 buckskin stallion owned by Bob and Carol Simpson of CA. Sire of more than 40 offspring including the colorful
broodmares Valdez's Maravilla, Abacus Unruly Sun, Caylyn Katy Did Gold, and the buckskin stallion
PKR Primavera Brio.

Q Tawny
(Merry Madison X Tia), 1970 palomino mare, shown here with her palomino daughter Barrabi Sundancer. Dam of 12
including the palomino mares Taha Tina (color line behind Render's Gold Flame, Render's Gold Torch, Senator Gold Fire, Carrollton
and the Goldtree prefixed Morgans) and LAS Future de Oro.
Q Tawny was not only a prolific producer of palominos, but she is also the dam of one of the only
registered frame overo Morgans in the breed, Sky Walker AB- and it is likely that Sky got her frame gene from her dam. A blaze face without lower lip white, such as Q Tawny has,
is common in minimally marked frame overos, whose only white marking may well be that blaze. If you own a descendant of Q Tawny, you may wish to have your
tested for Lethal White Overo, a test for the frame overo gene. If you do test and it comes back positive for frame, please email Laura Behning. We are trying to locate other
sources of the frame overo gene in our breed.

(Highview King x Luxury), 1944 palomino (registered as "dun") mare. Among her offspring was the palomino mare Dawn Mist (dam of the palomino stallion Dickie's Pride), palomino stallion
Yellow Bird (sire of Twilight Golden Dream), palomino mare Champagne (the color
line behind the buckskin stallion, The Bronze Promise) and palomino mare Vicky V (dam of multi-WC gelding Val's Terry, who was probably palomino and not flaxen chestnut as he sired a palomino
out of his half sister Val's Ora, though it is possible she was a misregistered cream dilute herself). With Quita is the buckskin (also registered "dun") mare Fleurette who I do not think has
sent any colorful lines
down to the present day. This photo was taken on the LU Ranch, where both mares were bred, by Helen Brunk Greenwalt. It was kindly shared with Morgan Colors by Renee Page.

Render's Gold Flame
(Hylee's Flame Fire X Taha Tina), 1982 palomino mare. One of the foundation horses in Loretta Brown's Goldtree Morgans. Produced 3
offspring including the palomino mare Goldtree Menolly (dam of the palomino stallion Goldtree Flamboyant).
Photo courtesy of Loretta Brown.

Render's Gold Torch
(Hylee's Flame Fire X Taha Tina), 1983 palomino mare. Another of Loretta Brown's foundation horses. Dam of 7 including the
palomino stallion Carrollton. Photo courtesy of Loretta Brown.

Richfield Octavius
(Sangamo Falcon x H-Bell), 1988 dark buckskin (probably brown-based) stallion owned by Nancy Bower. Among his most prolific colorful offspring is the
palomino stallion Springtown Sundance and brown buckskin broodmare, Springtown Laurel (pictured on our buckskin page).

Rocking M Blondie
(Whippoorwill Mercury X Joley Blond), 1984 palomino mare. Dam of the palomino mare UDM Twist of Lemon.

Robbi Sue's Dun Ella
(Applevale Monarch X Pendleton Buck Missy), 1980 red dun mare, pictured here as a coming two year old. She was owned by Jayne Cushman of Rockland, ME. Her only offspring to breed on was the bay dun mare, Cushman's Melanie Dun Sue, who
is the dam of the bay homozygous dun stallion Lineback Double Take, bay dun mare
Lineback Hija de Sue, and bay dun stallion Lone Star Stetson. Photo courtesy of Jerry Hess.

Robbi Sue's Misalert
(Robbi Sue's Moralert X Pendleton Buck Missy), 1976 dunskin mare bred and
owned by Julie Ploof of Robbi Sue Morgans. The majority of today's dun Morgans trace to Misalert,
or "Peaches" as she is known to her friends. Because Peaches had both the dun gene and one cream gene,
she produced offspring who were dun-only, dun/cream combinations, cream-only as well as a couple who had no dilution gene of any sort.
Dam of the stallions Robbi Sue's Mr. Alert (buckskin) and Robbi Sue's Sweet Success (bay dun) and the grulla mare Lady Sunderland,
amongst others. Full body picture courtesy of Jerry Hess; head
shot of Peaches with her owner Julie Ploof courtesy of Joanne Curtis.

Royal-Glo (Emerald's Aristocrat x Caven-Glo Saguaro), 1963 bay splash mare. Royal-Glo's only markings
were a small star, snip and a white mark on the inside of her left hind coronet, showing just how minimally marked a heterozygous splash can be! This mare
produced several blue eyed foals by different stallions, which were sadly unregistereable at the time. However, her splash legacy was carried on by her son
Marvelous Gem, whose expression of the gene was discreet enough to pass as "non
splash". Royal-Glo's splash gene is thought to be coming from her sire, Emerald's Aristocrat, pictured in the "E" section of this page.
Photo courtesy of Ellie Mason.

RTF Blacksaddle (Cannequin's Flashback x Wildwood Cindy), 1985 buckskin gelding. Sired 29 foals
before being gelded, including the buckskin stallion Lighthouse Keeper (sire
of many colorfuls with the NHM prefix), buckskin stallion DDRM Midnight Sun, and others. Photo
courtesy of Carol Dombrowsky.

Rusty Walker
(King Pine X Miss Luellen), 1963 palomino stallion pictured here as a two year old. Sire of 63 Morgans including
the palomino mare Jodene Walker (dam of the palomino stallion Kirk Ethan Walker, sire of Angel's Breezy Lady),
palomino mare RG Lynna Lee (dam of the palomino stallion Copperlee), and the flaxen chestnut stallion Lazy Heart D Andy.

Saint Peter
(Black Panther X Great Oaks Jenifer), 1982 palomino stallion. He was owned by Elaine Jackson of GA.
Sire of just 4 registered offspring before his untimely passing, one of which is the palomino mare
Copy Me Katarina, dam of the cremello stallion MLB Apparition. Photo by Laura Behning.

Sandy Swanton (Red Correll X Betsy Swanton), 1958 palomino mare, shown here presenting the colors at the Circle J Regional.
Dam of 6 including the buckskin (misregistered as bay) Ready Teddy (sire of the buckskin mare Kickapoo Joy, dam of Kickapoo HDC Chief) and the palomino
mare Nancy Pine Swanton (dam of the well-known broodmares Honey Spice, palomino; Coal Creek Samantha and Coal Creek Tabatha, buckskins).

Saycrest Frosty Miss
(Sherman L X Frosty's Blue Bonnet), 1970 gray mare. Dam of two offspring, both gray mares. Only one, Miss Frosty Shadow, bred on
via her 2001 gray daughter, Silvershoe Sun Frost.

Shagwood Doubleagle
(Windlord Ethan Allen x Peterson's Flamingo), 1985 buckskin stallion. Eagle was purchased as a weanling by Judy Burz
and lived the rest of his life with the Burz family. First picture shows Judy, Rob, and their grand daughter Heather on Eagle in 1992; second picture
is Eagle at the Stewart Horse Trials in 1997, Andrea Macdonald up. Sire of many colorfuls with the Goldquest prefix, palomino stallion K-Woods Golden Eagle,
and others. Photos courtesy of Kathy Stevenson.

Silverton Morgan
(Morgan Gold X Iyoksika), 1948 palomino stallion. Sire of 36 offspring; the most notable colorfuls were the palomino mares June Fib (dam of Joley
Blond) and Lucie (color line in Triple S pedigrees).

Silver Princess
(Mountain Silver Sheik X Daisette), 1942 gray mare, shown here with the famous black stallion Flyhawk. Silver Princess' dam was Daisette, who also produced Jubilee King. She had 2 offspring, one of which was the gray mare Frosty Princess (dam of the gray mare Frosty's Blue
Bonnet who was in turn dam of the gray mare Saycrest Frosty Miss). Photo courtesy of Renee Page.

Sioux Gold
(Morgan Gold X Illawana Topsy), 1946 palomino stallion,
pictured on the right as a two year old. He was owned by the National Park Service
(photo on left). Sired 14 offspring, including the palomino mare Betsy Swanton (dam of the palomino stallion Allen's Oglala
Gold, who is behind the Nashboro prefix colorfuls, and Sandy Swanton, dam of
the palomino mare Honey Spice and the buckskin mares Coal Creek Tabatha and Coal Creek Samantha).

Sir's Sunny
(Emerald's King John X Blu-Star Juliet), 1983 palomino stallion.
Sire of 37 offspring; the colorfuls that are producing include the palomino broodmares
Northerly Haley's Comet, Smaland
Littlest Angel, Smaland I've Got A Secret, Smaland Lonesome Dove, and Northerly Katarina.

Speedy Pal
(Speedramp Walker x Correll Willowfield), 1977 palomino stallion, ridden here by his owner Tom Wilbraham, BDM Morgans. Most of this stallion's offspring were
bred by the Wilbrahams, including the palomino mare BDM Pal's Goldust (dam of the cremello stallion, BDM Border Ryder).

Sunup Neptune
(Sunup Shenandoah X Goldie Zephyr), 1976 buckskin stallion, owned by Ken and Ruth Plank's KRP Morgans in IN. Shown here in front of the Plank's
house with Bob Thomas. Sire of 57 registered Morgans, with his first foals arriving in 1990- when he was 14! His most prolific offspring so
far have been the buckskin stallions LJ Morning Reveille, R2 Flying Buckaroo,
NVS Midas, Edgefield Sun Gold, and
KRP Cocoa, and the buckskin mares Orcas Sunup Celebration and KRP Pixie Pat.
learn more about Sunup Neptune and his legacy, read this article by Laura Behning.

Tia Marietta
(Californio X Tia Monita), 1971 buckskin mare, dam of 14. Bred by Dick and Phyllis Nelson, Mohican Farms. She is pictured here with her
1990 palomino filly, Gold Cross Sun Flower. Tia Marietta's most prolific colorful offspring include the buckskin gelding Windlord Ethan Allen
(who sired the buckskin breeding stallions Shagwood Shininghero and
Shagwood Doubleagle before being gelded), and the buckskin stallion Gold Cross Sun Catcher.

Tia Margarita
(Tio Lalo X Gay Berta), 1967 buckskin mare. Bred by Dick and Phyllis Nelson, Mohican Farms. Pictured
here as an aged mare in the pastures at Genou Morgans, with her 1991 chestnut filly Genou Rosita Margarita.
The palomino mare with them is Joley Blond. Tia Margarita is arguably one of the finest colorful broodmares
in modern times, having produced both the successful show and breeding stallion
Primavera Valdez (buckskin) and another well
known and popular buckskin stallion, Montana Harvest.
Both stallions were successful reining horses in open competition. Another winning reiner from Tia Margarita was the buckskin stallion, Brass Buckle.

Tio Lalo
(Mahan Field X Palomesa), 1956 palomino stallion, sire of 19 Morgans. His most prolific colorful offspring include the buckskin mare Tia
Margarita and the palomino stallions Californio and
Shatona Karzan (sire of the palomino stallions Can Don Joshua Danny and Slate Run RK Ladd).

Tweedle De
(Ricardo x Cotton Hill Daisy), 1955 palomino (registered chestnut) stallion, maternal grandsire of the famous buckskin stallion Sunup Neptune. (photo is full size)


Vas Trigger ML (Westcrest Silver X Elinor), 1973 palomino stallion. His color line comes through his dam Elinor, who got the cream gene from her "chestnut" dam, Lucky (Plains
King X Ishawooa). Misregistered colors are a common roadblock in tracing the source of color in Morgans! Ishawooa was also registered as chestnut,
but we know she was palomino or perhaps smoky black, as she also produced the palomino mare Dawnglo
(color line behind Californio) from the non-dilute black stallion Night Tide. Vas Trigger sired 26 offspring
including the palomino stallion Trigger's Brigade and the palomino mares Gold Phoenix of Icon and WTR Chocolate Bar.

Vega Mistala
(Windcrest Medolane X Wildwood Cindy),
1975 buckskin mare, registered as bay. Dam of the buckskin stallion WKF Rumpelstiltskin.


War Paint
Justin Morgan X Painted Girl), 1959 chestnut frame
overo and sabino stallion. Bred by Ab Cross. War Paint's coloring comes from his dam, who was chestnut with two white spots on her right side and one on the left
side. Due to the instigation of the White Rule in 1962, none of this stallion's obviously pinto offspring were ever registered. It is possible, due to the nature
of the overo genes to "hide" in minimally expressed forms on certain individuals, that some of his "solid" colored descendants may carry the frame overo gene.
Sired 6 registered Morgans, 2 geldings and the buckskin mare Miss Tigee, black mare La Mancha, palomino mare H-Paly, and chestnut mare Ogallala Woman, all
of whom have descendants today.
If you have War Paint in your horse's pedigree, test it through UC
Davis for Overo/Lethal White (a test for determining if a horse carries frame overo or not, to insure such horses are not bred together, possibly producing a
lethal white foal). If your horse tests positive, let us know- we'd love to
feature it here on this site! At present
there are only two known
AMHA registered frame overo Morgans in the breed, so discovering more would be wonderful!
In addition, War Paint's frame overo/sabino dam, Painted Girl, also has
descendants today through her other offspring. These should also be tested for OLWS. Photos of War Paint courtesy of Lowell Rott.
For much more information on War Paint, you can read
this article originally published in the Summer
2005 issue of the Rainbow Morgan Horse Association newsletter.

Windlord Ethan Allen (Meridith Twilight x Tia Marietta),
1982 buckskin gelding. He sired only 2 offspring before being gelded as a two year old, but they were the prolific breeding stallions
Shagwood Shininghero and Shagwood Doubleagle,
both buckskins.
Photo courtesy of Mary Ellen Schaefer.

Wildwood Cindy
(Mor-Ayr Supreme X Cinna), 1961 buckskin mare,
pictured here as a yearling at the North Central Morgan show. Dam of 12 including the buckskin (registered as bay) mare
Vega Mistala (dam of the buckskin stallion WKF Rumplestiltskin, registered as bay)
and the buckskin stallion RTF Blacksaddle.

Yellow Bird
(Stellar X Quita), 1966 palomino stallion. Sire of the palomino mare Riviera Dawn (dam of the palomino mare Morgan Woods Mariah, who has colorful descendants with the Andar's prefix) and the
palomino stallions Twilight Champion and Twilight Golden Dream.

Yellow Girl
(Glider X Buck), 1942 palomino mare. Dam of 17 foals, this mare has an incredible production record, with her last foal
arriving in 1972- when Yellow Girl was 30! She had foaled in each of the two years previous, as well! Dam of the buckskin mare
Dunn Lady, brown based buckskin or smoky black mare Haager (dam of Chingadero, the famous smoky cream stallion), palomino mare H-Paly,
buckskin mare Dunce, palomino mare Tia (behind the Goldtree colorfuls as well as the palomino overo mares Sky Walker AB
and LAS Future de Oro), and the
palomino mare Golden Sparta (color line behind H-Northwest Gold, who produced colorfuls for
SC Morgans).
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